.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "gallery/scene/shape_draw.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note :ref:`Go to the end ` to download the full example code. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_gallery_scene_shape_draw.py: Draw and Edit Shapes with Mouse =============================== Simple demonstration of drawing and editing shapes with the mouse This demo implements mouse picking on visuals and markers using the vispy scene and "visual_at" mechanism. Left mouse button on empty space creates new objects. Objects can be selected by clicking, and moved by dragging. Dragging control points changes the size of the object. Vispy takes care of coordinate transforms from screen to ViewBox - the demo works on different zoom levels. Lastly, additional objects are added to the view in a fixed position as "buttons" to select which type of object is being created. Selecting the arrow symbol will switch into select/pan mode where the left drag moves the workplane or moves objects/controlpoints. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 22-354 .. image-sg:: /gallery/scene/images/sphx_glr_shape_draw_001.png :alt: shape draw :srcset: /gallery/scene/images/sphx_glr_shape_draw_001.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. code-block:: Python import numpy as np from vispy import app, scene from vispy.color import Color class ControlPoints(scene.visuals.Compound): def __init__(self, parent): scene.visuals.Compound.__init__(self, []) self.unfreeze() self.parent = parent self._center = [0, 0] self._width = 0.0 self._height = 0.0 self.selected_cp = None self.opposed_cp = None self.control_points = [scene.visuals.Markers(parent=self) for i in range(0, 4)] for c in self.control_points: c.set_data(pos=np.array([[0, 0]], dtype=np.float32), symbol="s", edge_color="red", size=6) c.interactive = True self.freeze() def update_bounds(self): self._center = [0.5 * (self.parent.bounds(0)[1] + self.parent.bounds(0)[0]), 0.5 * (self.parent.bounds(1)[1] + self.parent.bounds(1)[0])] self._width = self.parent.bounds(0)[1] - self.parent.bounds(0)[0] self._height = self.parent.bounds(1)[1] - self.parent.bounds(1)[0] self.update_points() def update_points(self): self.control_points[0].set_data( pos=np.array([[self._center[0] - 0.5 * self._width, self._center[1] + 0.5 * self._height]])) self.control_points[1].set_data( pos=np.array([[self._center[0] + 0.5 * self._width, self._center[1] + 0.5 * self._height]])) self.control_points[2].set_data( pos=np.array([[self._center[0] + 0.5 * self._width, self._center[1] - 0.5 * self._height]])) self.control_points[3].set_data( pos=np.array([[self._center[0] - 0.5 * self._width, self._center[1] - 0.5 * self._height]])) def select(self, val, obj=None): self.visible(val) self.selected_cp = None self.opposed_cp = None if obj is not None: n_cp = len(self.control_points) for i in range(0, n_cp): c = self.control_points[i] if c == obj: self.selected_cp = c self.opposed_cp = \ self.control_points[int((i + n_cp / 2)) % n_cp] def start_move(self, start): None def move(self, end): if not self.parent.editable: return if self.selected_cp is not None: self._width = 2 * (end[0] - self._center[0]) self._height = 2 * (end[1] - self._center[1]) self.update_points() self.parent.update_from_controlpoints() def visible(self, v): for c in self.control_points: c.visible = v def get_center(self): return self._center def set_center(self, val): self._center = val self.update_points() class EditVisual(scene.visuals.Compound): def __init__(self, editable=True, selectable=True, on_select_callback=None, callback_argument=None, *args, **kwargs): scene.visuals.Compound.__init__(self, [], *args, **kwargs) self.unfreeze() self.editable = editable self._selectable = selectable self._on_select_callback = on_select_callback self._callback_argument = callback_argument self.control_points = ControlPoints(parent=self) self.drag_reference = [0, 0] self.freeze() def add_subvisual(self, visual): scene.visuals.Compound.add_subvisual(self, visual) visual.interactive = True self.control_points.update_bounds() self.control_points.visible(False) def select(self, val, obj=None): if self.selectable: self.control_points.visible(val) if self._on_select_callback is not None: self._on_select_callback(self._callback_argument) def start_move(self, start): self.drag_reference = start[0:2] - self.control_points.get_center() def move(self, end): if self.editable: shift = end[0:2] - self.drag_reference self.set_center(shift) def update_from_controlpoints(self): None @property def selectable(self): return self._selectable @selectable.setter def selectable(self, val): self._selectable = val @property def center(self): return self.control_points.get_center() @center.setter # this method redirects to set_center. Override set_center in subclasses. def center(self, val): self.set_center(val) # override this method in subclass def set_center(self, val): self.control_points.set_center(val[0:2]) def select_creation_controlpoint(self): self.control_points.select(True, self.control_points.control_points[2]) class EditRectVisual(EditVisual): def __init__(self, center=[0, 0], width=20, height=20, *args, **kwargs): EditVisual.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.unfreeze() self.rect = scene.visuals.Rectangle(center=center, width=width, height=height, color=Color("#e88834"), border_color="white", radius=0, parent=self) self.rect.interactive = True self.freeze() self.add_subvisual(self.rect) self.control_points.update_bounds() self.control_points.visible(False) def set_center(self, val): self.control_points.set_center(val[0:2]) self.rect.center = val[0:2] def update_from_controlpoints(self): try: self.rect.width = abs(self.control_points._width) except ValueError: None try: self.rect.height = abs(self.control_points._height) except ValueError: None class EditEllipseVisual(EditVisual): def __init__(self, center=[0, 0], radius=[2, 2], *args, **kwargs): EditVisual.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.unfreeze() self.ellipse = scene.visuals.Ellipse(center=center, radius=radius, color=Color("#e88834"), border_color="white", parent=self) self.ellipse.interactive = True self.freeze() self.add_subvisual(self.ellipse) self.control_points.update_bounds() self.control_points.visible(False) def set_center(self, val): self.control_points.set_center(val) self.ellipse.center = val def update_from_controlpoints(self): try: self.ellipse.radius = [0.5 * abs(self.control_points._width), 0.5 * abs(self.control_points._height)] except ValueError: None class Canvas(scene.SceneCanvas): """ A simple test canvas for drawing demo """ def __init__(self): scene.SceneCanvas.__init__(self, keys='interactive', size=(800, 800)) self.unfreeze() self.view = self.central_widget.add_view() self.view.camera = scene.PanZoomCamera(rect=(-100, -100, 200, 200), aspect=1.0) # the left mouse button pan has to be disabled in the camera, as it # interferes with dragging line points # Proposed change in camera: make mouse buttons configurable self.view.camera._viewbox.events.mouse_move.disconnect( self.view.camera.viewbox_mouse_event) scene.visuals.Text("Click and drag to add objects, " + "right-click to delete.", color='w', anchor_x='left', parent=self.view, pos=(20, 30)) self.select_arrow = \ EditVisual(parent=self.view, editable=False, on_select_callback=self.set_creation_mode, callback_argument=None) arrow = scene.visuals.Arrow(parent=self.select_arrow, pos=np.array([[50, 60], [60, 70]]), arrows=np.array([[60, 70, 50, 60]]), width=5, arrow_size=15.0, arrow_type="angle_60", color="w", arrow_color="w", method="agg" ) self.select_arrow.add_subvisual(arrow) self.rect_button = \ EditRectVisual(parent=self.view, editable=False, on_select_callback=self.set_creation_mode, callback_argument=EditRectVisual, center=[50, 120], width=30, height=30) self.ellipse_button = \ EditEllipseVisual(parent=self.view, editable=False, on_select_callback=self.set_creation_mode, callback_argument=EditEllipseVisual, center=[50, 170], radius=[15, 10]) self.objects = [] self.show() self.selected_point = None self.selected_object = None self.creation_mode = EditRectVisual self.mouse_start_pos = [0, 0] scene.visuals.GridLines(parent=self.view.scene) self.freeze() def set_creation_mode(self, object_kind): self.creation_mode = object_kind def on_mouse_press(self, event): tr = self.scene.node_transform(self.view.scene) pos = tr.map(event.pos) self.view.interactive = False selected = self.visual_at(event.pos) self.view.interactive = True if self.selected_object is not None: self.selected_object.select(False) self.selected_object = None if event.button == 1: if selected is not None: self.selected_object = selected.parent # update transform to selected object tr = self.scene.node_transform(self.selected_object) pos = tr.map(event.pos) self.selected_object.select(True, obj=selected) self.selected_object.start_move(pos) self.mouse_start_pos = event.pos # create new object: if self.selected_object is None and self.creation_mode is not None: # new_object = EditRectVisual(parent=self.view.scene) new_object = self.creation_mode(parent=self.view.scene) self.objects.append(new_object) new_object.select_creation_controlpoint() new_object.set_center(pos[0:2]) self.selected_object = new_object.control_points if event.button == 2: # right button deletes object if selected is not None and selected.parent in self.objects: self.objects.remove(selected.parent) selected.parent.parent = None self.selected_object = None def on_mouse_move(self, event): if event.button == 1: if self.selected_object is not None: self.view.camera._viewbox.events.mouse_move.disconnect( self.view.camera.viewbox_mouse_event) # update transform to selected object tr = self.scene.node_transform(self.selected_object) pos = tr.map(event.pos) self.selected_object.move(pos[0:2]) else: self.view.camera._viewbox.events.mouse_move.connect( self.view.camera.viewbox_mouse_event) else: None if __name__ == '__main__': canvas = Canvas() app.run() .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 1.633 seconds) .. _sphx_glr_download_gallery_scene_shape_draw.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: shape_draw.ipynb ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: shape_draw.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-zip :download:`Download zipped: shape_draw.zip ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_