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Code instrumentation

The Python implementation of the protocol relies on the automatic code instrumentation that is implemented through the command function decorator. This decorator registers all necessary information when a method is called and offers convenient conversion functions. This works by inspecting the declared type of a method (using function annotations) and checking of the provided type has the right type. If this is not the case, the command search for a converter among those registered.

import gsp"float", "int")
def float_to_int(value): return int(value)

class Foo(gsp.Object):"CREATE")
    def __init__(self, value : int):
        self.value = value

foos = Foo(1), Foo(2)
CommandQueue("default", active, read-write) : 2 command(s)
  - Command #1: Foo(id=1)/CREATE(…)
  - Command #2: Foo(id=2)/CREATE(…)



Return a new or existing command queue. There is a special name "active" that relates to the current command queue. Each time a queue is created, it becomes automatically the active one.


record(state: bool = False)

Activate (state=True) or deactivate (state=False) global command recording (for all command queues).



Function decorator that creates a command when the function is called and optionally record it. The name of the method can can be overriden with the provided name.


register(src_types: str | tuple[str, ...], dst_type: str)

Function decorator that registers a converter from src_types to dst_type


unregister(src_types: str | tuple[str, ...], dst_type: str)

Unregister converters from src_types to dst_type.


convert(value: object, dst_type: str)

Return a converter from value type to dst_type, if there exists such a converter.