vispy.geometry package#
- vispy.geometry.tests package
- Submodules
- vispy.geometry.tests.test_calculations module
- vispy.geometry.tests.test_generation module
- vispy.geometry.tests.test_meshdata module
- vispy.geometry.tests.test_triangulation module
- Module contents
- Submodules
- vispy.geometry.calculations module
- vispy.geometry.curves module
- vispy.geometry.generation module
- vispy.geometry.isocurve module
- vispy.geometry.isosurface module
- vispy.geometry.meshdata module
- vispy.geometry.normals module
- vispy.geometry.parametric module
- vispy.geometry.polygon module
- vispy.geometry.rect module
- vispy.geometry.torusknot module
- vispy.geometry.triangulation module
Module contents#
This module implements classes and methods for handling geometric data.
- class vispy.geometry.MeshData(vertices=None, faces=None, edges=None, vertex_colors=None, face_colors=None, vertex_values=None)#
Class for storing and operating on 3D mesh data.
- Parameters:
- verticesndarray, shape (Nv, 3)
Vertex coordinates. If faces is not specified, then this will instead be interpreted as (Nf, 3, 3) array of coordinates.
- facesndarray, shape (Nf, 3)
Indices into the vertex array.
- edgesNone
[not available yet]
- vertex_colorsndarray, shape (Nv, 4)
Vertex colors. If faces is not specified, this will be interpreted as (Nf, 3, 4) array of colors.
- face_colorsndarray, shape (Nf, 4)
Face colors.
- vertex_valuesndarray, shape (Nv,)
Vertex values.
All arguments are optional.
The object may contain:
list of vertex locations
list of edges
list of triangles
colors per vertex, edge, or tri
normals per vertex or tri
This class handles conversion between the standard [list of vertices, list of faces] format (suitable for use with glDrawElements) and ‘indexed’ [list of vertices] format (suitable for use with glDrawArrays). It will automatically compute face normal vectors as well as averaged vertex normal vectors.
The class attempts to be as efficient as possible in caching conversion results and avoiding unnecessary conversions.
- get_bounds()#
Get the mesh bounds
- Returns:
- boundslist
A list of tuples of mesh bounds.
- get_edge_colors()#
- get_edges(indexed=None)#
Edges of the mesh
- Parameters:
- indexedstr | None
If indexed is None, return (Nf, 3) array of vertex indices, two per edge in the mesh. If indexed is ‘faces’, then return (Nf, 3, 2) array of vertex indices with 3 edges per face, and two vertices per edge.
- Returns:
- edgesndarray
The edges.
- get_face_colors(indexed=None)#
Get the face colors
- Parameters:
- indexedstr | None
If indexed is None, return (Nf, 4) array of face colors. If indexed==’faces’, then instead return an indexed array (Nf, 3, 4) (note this is just the same array with each color repeated three times).
- Returns:
- colorsndarray
The colors.
- get_face_normals(indexed=None)#
Get face normals
- Parameters:
- indexedstr | None
If None, return an array (Nf, 3) of normal vectors for each face. If ‘faces’, then instead return an indexed array (Nf, 3, 3) (this is just the same array with each vector copied three times).
- Returns:
- normalsndarray
The normals.
- get_faces()#
Array (Nf, 3) of vertex indices, three per triangular face.
If faces have not been computed for this mesh, returns None.
- get_vertex_colors(indexed=None)#
Get vertex colors
- Parameters:
- indexedstr | None
If None, return an array (Nv, 4) of vertex colors. If indexed==’faces’, then instead return an indexed array (Nf, 3, 4).
- Returns:
- colorsndarray
The vertex colors.
- get_vertex_faces()#
List mapping each vertex index to a list of face indices that use it.
- get_vertex_normals(indexed=None)#
Get vertex normals
- Parameters:
- indexedstr | None
If None, return an (N, 3) array of normal vectors with one entry per unique vertex in the mesh. If indexed is ‘faces’, then the array will contain three normal vectors per face (and some vertices may be repeated).
- Returns:
- normalsndarray
The normals.
- get_vertex_values(indexed=None)#
Get vertex colors
- Parameters:
- indexedstr | None
If None, return an array (Nv,) of vertex values. If indexed==’faces’, then instead return an indexed array (Nf, 3).
- Returns:
- valuesndarray
The vertex values.
- get_vertices(indexed=None)#
Get the vertices
- Parameters:
- indexedstr | None
If Note, return an array (N,3) of the positions of vertices in the mesh. By default, each unique vertex appears only once. If indexed is ‘faces’, then the array will instead contain three vertices per face in the mesh (and a single vertex may appear more than once in the array).
- Returns:
- verticesndarray
The vertices.
- has_edge_indexed_data()#
- has_face_color()#
Return True if this data set has face color information
- has_face_indexed_data()#
Return True if this object already has vertex positions indexed by face
- has_vertex_color()#
Return True if this data set has vertex color information
- has_vertex_value()#
Return True if this data set has vertex value information
- is_empty()#
Check if any vertices or faces are defined.
- property n_faces#
The number of faces in the mesh
- property n_vertices#
The number of vertices in the mesh
- reset_normals()#
- restore(state)#
Restore the state of a mesh previously saved using save()
- Parameters:
- statedict
The previous state.
- save()#
Serialize this mesh to a string appropriate for disk storage
- Returns:
- statedict
The state.
- set_face_colors(colors, indexed=None)#
Set the face color array
- Parameters:
- colorsarray
Array of colors. Must have shape (Nf, 4) (indexed by face), or shape (Nf, 3, 4) (face colors indexed by faces).
- indexedstr | None
Should be ‘faces’ if colors are indexed by faces.
- set_faces(faces)#
Set the faces
- Parameters:
- facesndarray
(Nf, 3) array of faces. Each row in the array contains three indices into the vertex array, specifying the three corners of a triangular face.
- set_vertex_colors(colors, indexed=None)#
Set the vertex color array
- Parameters:
- colorsarray
Array of colors. Must have shape (Nv, 4) (indexing by vertex) or shape (Nf, 3, 4) (vertices indexed by face).
- indexedstr | None
Should be ‘faces’ if colors are indexed by faces.
- set_vertex_values(values, indexed=None)#
Set the vertex value array
- Parameters:
- valuesarray
Array of values. Must have shape (Nv,) (indexing by vertex) or shape (Nf, 3) (vertices indexed by face).
- indexedstr | None
Should be ‘faces’ if colors are indexed by faces.
- set_vertices(verts=None, indexed=None, reset_normals=True)#
Set the mesh vertices
- Parameters:
- vertsndarray | None
The array (Nv, 3) of vertex coordinates.
- indexedstr | None
If indexed==’faces’, then the data must have shape (Nf, 3, 3) and is assumed to be already indexed as a list of faces. This will cause any pre-existing normal vectors to be cleared unless reset_normals=False.
- reset_normalsbool
If True, reset the normals.
- class vispy.geometry.PolygonData(vertices=None, edges=None, faces=None)#
Polygon class for data handling
- Parameters:
- vertices(Nv, 3) array
Vertex coordinates. If faces is not specified, then this will instead be interpreted as (Nf, 3, 3) array of coordinates.
- edges(Nv, 2) array
Constraining edges specified by vertex indices.
- faces(Nf, 3) array
Indexes into the vertex array.
All arguments are optional.
- add_vertex(vertex)#
Adds given vertex and retriangulates to generate new faces.
- Parameters:
- vertexarray-like
The vertex to add.
- property convex_hull#
Return an array of vertex indexes representing the convex hull.
If faces have not been computed for this mesh, the function computes them. If no vertices or faces are specified, the function returns None.
- property edges#
Return an array (Nv, 2) of vertex indices.
If no vertices or faces are specified, the function returns None.
- property faces#
Return an array (Nf, 3) of vertex indexes, three per triangular face in the mesh.
If faces have not been computed for this mesh, the function computes them. If no vertices or faces are specified, the function returns None.
- triangulate()#
Triangulates the set of vertices and stores the triangles in faces and the convex hull in convex_hull.
- property vertices#
Return an array (Nf, 3) of vertices.
If only faces exist, the function computes the vertices and returns them. If no vertices or faces are specified, the function returns None.
- class vispy.geometry.Rect(*args, **kwargs)#
Representation of a rectangular area in a 2D coordinate system.
- Parameters:
- *argsarguments
Can be in the form Rect(x, y, w, h), Rect(pos, size), or Rect(Rect).
- property bottom#
- property center#
- contains(x, y)#
Query if the rectangle contains points
- Parameters:
- xfloat
X coordinate.
- yfloat
Y coordinate.
- Returns:
- containsbool
True if the point is within the rectangle.
- flipped(x=False, y=True)#
Return a Rect with the same bounds but with axes inverted
- Parameters:
- xbool
Flip the X axis.
- ybool
Flip the Y axis.
- Returns:
- rectinstance of Rect
The flipped rectangle.
- property height#
- property left#
- normalized()#
Return a Rect covering the same area, but with height and width guaranteed to be positive.
- padded(padding)#
Return a new Rect padded (smaller) by padding on all sides
- Parameters:
- paddingfloat
The padding.
- Returns:
- rectinstance of Rect
The padded rectangle.
- property pos#
- property right#
- property size#
- property top#
- property width#
- class vispy.geometry.Triangulation(pts, edges)#
Constrained delaunay triangulation
Implementation based on [1].
- Parameters:
- ptsarray
Nx2 array of points.
- edgesarray
Nx2 array of edges (dtype=int).
Delaunay legalization is not yet implemented. This produces a proper triangulation, but adding legalisation would produce fewer thin triangles.
The pts and edges arrays may be modified.
[1]Domiter, V. and Žalik, B. Sweep‐line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation
- triangulate()#
Do the triangulation.
- vispy.geometry.create_arrow(rows, cols, radius=0.1, length=1.0, cone_radius=None, cone_length=None)#
Create a 3D arrow using a cylinder plus cone
- Parameters:
- rowsint
Number of rows.
- colsint
Number of columns.
- radiusfloat
Base cylinder radius.
- lengthfloat
Length of the arrow.
- cone_radiusfloat
- Radius of the cone base.
If None, then this defaults to 2x the cylinder radius.
- cone_lengthfloat
- Length of the cone.
If None, then this defaults to 1/3 of the arrow length.
- Returns:
- arrowMeshData
Vertices and faces computed for a cone surface.
- vispy.geometry.create_box(width=1, height=1, depth=1, width_segments=1, height_segments=1, depth_segments=1, planes=None)#
Generate vertices & indices for a filled and outlined box.
- Parameters:
- widthfloat
Box width.
- heightfloat
Box height.
- depthfloat
Box depth.
- width_segmentsint
Box segments count along the width.
- height_segmentsfloat
Box segments count along the height.
- depth_segmentsfloat
Box segments count along the depth.
- planes: array_like
Any combination of
{'-x', '+x', '-y', '+y', '-z', '+z'}
Included planes in the box construction.
- Returns:
- verticesarray
Array of vertices suitable for use as a VertexBuffer.
- facesarray
Indices to use to produce a filled box.
- outlinearray
Indices to use to produce an outline of the box.
- vispy.geometry.create_cone(cols, radius=1.0, length=1.0)#
Create a cone
- Parameters:
- colsint
Number of faces.
- radiusfloat
Base cone radius.
- lengthfloat
Length of the cone.
- Returns:
- coneMeshData
Vertices and faces computed for a cone surface.
- vispy.geometry.create_cube()#
Generate vertices & indices for a filled and outlined cube
- Returns:
- verticesarray
Array of vertices suitable for use as a VertexBuffer.
- filledarray
Indices to use to produce a filled cube.
- outlinearray
Indices to use to produce an outline of the cube.
- vispy.geometry.create_cylinder(rows, cols, radius=[1.0, 1.0], length=1.0, offset=False)#
Create a cylinder
- Parameters:
- rowsint
Number of rows.
- colsint
Number of columns.
- radiustuple of float
Cylinder radii.
- lengthfloat
Length of the cylinder.
- offsetbool
Rotate each row by half a column.
- Returns:
- cylinderMeshData
Vertices and faces computed for a cylindrical surface.
- vispy.geometry.create_grid_mesh(xs, ys, zs)#
Generate vertices and indices for an implicitly connected mesh.
The intention is that this makes it simple to generate a mesh from meshgrid data.
- Parameters:
- xsndarray
A 2d array of x coordinates for the vertices of the mesh. Must have the same dimensions as ys and zs.
- ysndarray
A 2d array of y coordinates for the vertices of the mesh. Must have the same dimensions as xs and zs.
- zsndarray
A 2d array of z coordinates for the vertices of the mesh. Must have the same dimensions as xs and ys.
- Returns:
- verticesndarray
The array of vertices in the mesh.
- indicesndarray
The array of indices for the mesh.
- vispy.geometry.create_plane(width=1, height=1, width_segments=1, height_segments=1, direction='+z')#
Generate vertices & indices for a filled and outlined plane.
- Parameters:
- widthfloat
Plane width.
- heightfloat
Plane height.
- width_segmentsint
Plane segments count along the width.
- height_segmentsfloat
Plane segments count along the height.
- direction: unicode
{'-x', '+x', '-y', '+y', '-z', '+z'}
Direction the plane will be facing.
- Returns:
- verticesarray
Array of vertices suitable for use as a VertexBuffer.
- facesarray
Indices to use to produce a filled plane.
- outlinearray
Indices to use to produce an outline of the plane.
[1]Cabello, R. (n.d.). PlaneBufferGeometry.js. Retrieved May 12, 2015, from
- vispy.geometry.create_sphere(rows=10, cols=10, depth=10, radius=1.0, offset=True, subdivisions=3, method='latitude')#
Create a sphere
- Parameters:
- rowsint
Number of rows (for method=’latitude’ and ‘cube’).
- colsint
Number of columns (for method=’latitude’ and ‘cube’).
- depthint
Number of depth segments (for method=’cube’).
- radiusfloat
Sphere radius.
- offsetbool
Rotate each row by half a column (for method=’latitude’).
- subdivisionsint
Number of subdivisions to perform (for method=’ico’)
- methodstr
Method for generating sphere. Accepts ‘latitude’ for latitude- longitude, ‘ico’ for icosahedron, and ‘cube’ for cube based tessellation.
- Returns:
- sphereMeshData
Vertices and faces computed for a spherical surface.
- vispy.geometry.resize(image, shape, kind='linear')#
Resize an image
- Parameters:
- imagendarray
Array of shape (N, M, …).
- shapetuple
2-element shape.
- kindstr
Interpolation, either “linear” or “nearest”.
- Returns:
- scaled_imagendarray
New image, will have dtype np.float64.
- vispy.geometry.triangulate(vertices)#
Triangulate a set of vertices.
This uses a pure Python implementation based on [1].
If Triangle by Jonathan R. Shewchuk [2] and the Python bindings triangle [3] are installed, this will be used instead. Users need to acknowledge and adhere to the licensing terms of these packages.
In the VisPy PolygonCollection Example [4] a speedup of 97% using Triangle/triangle can be achieved compared to the pure Python implementation.
- Parameters:
- verticesarray-like
The vertices.
- Returns:
- verticesarray-like
The vertices.
- trianglesarray-like
The triangles.
[1]Domiter, V. and Žalik, B. Sweep‐line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation
[2]Shewchuk J.R. (1996) Triangle: Engineering a 2D quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator. In: Lin M.C., Manocha D. (eds) Applied Computational Geometry Towards Geometric Engineering. WACG 1996. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1148. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.