vispy.scene.widgets.anchor module#
- class vispy.scene.widgets.anchor.Anchor(parent=None, name=None, transforms=None)#
Anchor is a node derives parts of its transform from some other coordinate system in the scene.
The purpose is to allow children of an Anchor to draw using a position (and optionally rotation) specified by one coordinate system, and scaling/ projection specified by another.
For example, text attached to a point in a 3D scene should be drawn in a coordinate system with a simple relationship to the screen pixels, but should derive its location from a position within the 3D coordinate system:
root = Box() view = ViewBox(parent=box) plot = LineVisual(parent=ViewBox) anchor = Anchor(parent=root, anchor_to=plot, anchor_pos=(10, 0)) text = Text(parent=anchor, text="Always points to (10,0) relative to line.")