vispy.gloo.glir module#
GL Intermediate Representation Desktop Implementation#
The glir module holds the desktop implementation of the GL Intermediate Representation (GLIR). Parsing and handling of the GLIR for other platforms can be found in external libraries.
We propose the specification of a simple intermediate representation for OpenGL. It provides a means to serialize a visualization, so that the high-level API and the part that does the GL commands can be separated, and even be in separate processes.
GLIR is a high level representation that consists of commands without return values. In effect, the commands can be streamed from one node to another without having to wait for a reply. Only in the event of an error information needs to go in the other direction, but this can be done asynchronously.
The purpose for GLIR has been to allow the usage gloo (our high level object oriented interface to OpenGL), while executing the visualization in the browser (via JS/WebGL). The fact that the stream of commands is one-directional is essential to realize reactive visualizations.
The separation between API and implementation also provides a nice abstraction leading to cleaner code.
GLIR commands are represented as tuples. As such the overhead for “parsing” the commands is minimal. The commands can, however, be serialized so they can be send to another process. Further, a series of GLIR commands can be stored in a file. This way we can store visualizations to disk that can be displayed with any application that can interpret GLIR.
The GLIR specification is tied to the version of the vispy python library that supports it. The current specification described below was first created for:
VisPy 0.6
The shape of a command#
GLIR consists of a sequence of commands that are defined as tuples. Each command has the following shape:
(<command>, <ID>, [arg1, [arg2, [arg3]]])
is an integer unique within the current GL context that is used as a reference to a GL object. It is the responsibility of the code that generates the command to keep track of id’s and to ensure that they are unique.The number of arguments and their type differs per command and are explained further below.
Some commands accept GL enums in the form of a string. In these cases the enum can also be given as an int, but a string is recommended for better debugging. The string is case insensitive.
('CURRENT', 0)
Will be called when the context is made current. The GLIR implementation can use this to reset some caches.
('CREATE', <id>, <class:str>)
# Example:
('CREATE', 4, 'VertexBuffer')
Applies to: All objects
The create command is used to create a new GL object. It has one string argument that can be any of 10 classes: ‘Program’, ‘VertexBuffer’, ‘IndexBuffer’, ‘Texture2D’, ‘Texture3D’, ‘RenderBuffer’, ‘FrameBuffer’, ‘VertexShader’, ‘FragmentShader’, ‘GeometryShader’
('DELETE', <id>)
# Example:
('DELETE', 4)
Applies to: All objects
The delete command is used to delete the GL object corresponding to the given id. If the id does not exist, this command is ignored. This command does not have arguments. When used with Shader objects, the shader is freed from GPU memory.
('UNIFORM', <program_id>, <name:str>, <type:str>, <value>)
# Examples:
('UNIFORM', 4, 'u_scale', 'vec3', <array 3>)
Applies to: Program
This command is used to set the uniform of a program object. A uniform has a string name, a type, and a value.
The type can be ‘float’, ‘vec2’, ‘vec3’, ‘vec4’, ‘int’, ‘ivec2’, ‘ivec3’, ‘ivec4’, ‘bool’, ‘bvec2’, ‘bvec3’, ‘bvec4’, ‘mat2’, ‘mat3’, ‘mat4’. The value must be tuple or array with number of elements that matches with the type.
It is an error to provide this command before the shaders are set. After resetting shaders, all uniforms and attributes have to be re-submitted.
Discussion: for the uniform and attribute commands, the type argument should not strictly be necessary, but it makes the GLIR implementation simpler. Plus in gloo we have this information.
('TEXTURE', <program_id>, <name:str>, <texture_id>)
# Examples:
('TEXTURE', 4, 'u_texture1', 6)
Applies to: Program
This command is used to link a texture to a GLSL uniform sampler.
('ATTRIBUTE', <program_id>, <name:str>, <type:str>, <vbo_id>, <stride:int>, <offset:int>)
# Example: Buffer id 5, stride 4, offset 0
('ATTRIBUTE', 4, 'a_position', 'vec3', 5, 4, 0)
Applies to: Program
This command is used to set the attribute of a program object. An attribute has a string name, a type, and a value.
The type can be ‘float’, ‘vec2’, ‘vec3’, ‘vec4’. If the first value
element is zero, the remaining elements represent the data to pass to
It is an error to provide this command before the shaders are set. After resetting shaders, all uniforms and attributes have to be re-submitted.
('DRAW', <program_id>, <mode:str>, <selection:tuple>, <instances:int>)
# Example: Draw 100 lines with non-instanced rendering
('DRAW', 4, 'lines', (0, 100), 1)
# Example: Draw 100 lines using index buffer with id 5
('DRAW', 4, 'points', (5, 'unsigned_int', 100), 1)
# Example: Draw a mesh with 10 vertices 20 times using instanced rendering
('DRAW', 2, 'mesh', (0, 10), 20)
Applies to: Program
This command is used to draw the program. It has a mode
which can be ‘points’, ‘lines’, ‘line_strip’, ‘line_loop’, ‘lines_adjacency’,
‘line_strip_adjacency’, ‘triangles’, ‘triangle_strip’, or ‘triangle_fan’
(case insensitive).
If the selection
argument has two elements, it contains two integers
(start, count)
. If it has three elements, it contains
(<index-buffer-id>, gtype, count)
, where gtype
‘unsigned_byte’,’unsigned_short’, or ‘unsigned_int’.
('SIZE', <id>, <size>, [<format>], [<internalformat>])
# Example: resize a buffer
('SIZE', 4, 500)
# Example: resize a 2D texture
('SIZE', 4, (500, 300, 3), 'rgb', None)
('SIZE', 4, (500, 300, 3), 'rgb', 'rgb16f')
Applies to: VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, Texture2D, Texture3D, RenderBuffer
This command is used to set the size of the buffer with the given id. The GLIR implementation should be such that if the size/format corresponds to the current size, it is ignored. The high level implementation can use the SIZE command to discard previous DATA commands.
For buffers: the size argument is an integer and the format argument is not specified.
For textures and render buffer: the size argument is a shape tuple (z,y,x). This tuple may contain the dimension for the color channels, but this information is ignored. The format should be set to ‘luminance’, ‘alpha’, ‘luminance_alpha’, ‘rgb’ or ‘rgba’. The internalformat is a hint for backends that can control the internal GL storage format; a value of None is a hint to use the default storage format. The internalformat, if specified, should be a base channel configuration of ‘r’, ‘rg’, ‘rgb’, or ‘rgba’ with a precision qualifying suffix of ‘8’, ‘16’, ‘16f’, or ‘32f’.
For render buffers: the size argument is a shape tuple (z,y,x). This tuple may contain the dimension for the color channels, but this information is ignored. The format should be set to ‘color’, ‘depth’ or ‘stencil’.
('DATA', <id>, <offset>, <data:array>)
# Example:
('DATA', 4, 100, <array 200x2>)
Applies to: VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, Texture2D, Texture3D, VertexShader, FragmentShader, GeometryShader
The data command is used to set the data of the object with the given
id. For VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer the offset is an integer. For
textures it is a tuple that matches with the dimension of the texture.
For shader objects it is always 0 and the data must be a str
('WRAPPING', <texture_id>, <wrapping:tuple>)
# Example:
Applies to: Texture2D, Texture3D
Set the wrapping mode for each dimension of the texture. Each element must be a string: ‘repeat’, ‘clamp_to_edge’ or ‘mirrored_repeat’.
('INTERPOLATION', <texture_id>, <min:str>, <mag:str>)
# Example:
('INTERPOLATION', 4, True, True)
Applies to: Texture2D, Texture3D
Set the interpolation mode of the texture for minification and magnification. The min and mag argument can both be either ‘nearest’ or ‘linear’.
('ATTACH', <framebuffer_id>, <attachment:str>, <object>)
('ATTACH', <program_id>, <shader_id>)
# Example:
('ATTACH', 4, 'color', 5)
('ATTACH', 1, 3)
Applies to: FrameBuffer, Program
Attach color, depth, or stencil buffer to the framebuffer. The attachment argument can be ‘color’, ‘depth’ or ‘stencil’. The object argument must be the id for a RenderBuffer or Texture2D. For Program this attaches an existing Shader object to the program.
('FRAMEBUFFER', <framebuffer_id>, <use:bool>)
# Example:
('FRAMEBUFFER', 4, True)
Applies to: FrameBuffer
Turn the framebuffer on or off. When deactivating a frame buffer, the GLIR implementation should activate any previously activated framebuffer.
('FUNC', <gl_function_name>, [arg1, [arg2, [arg3]]])
command is a special command that can be applied to call a
variety of OpenGL calls. Use the documentation OpenGL for the required
arguments. Any args that are strings are converted to GL enums.
Supported functions are in principle all gl functions that do not have a return value or covered by the above commands: glEnable, glDisable, glClear, glClearColor, glClearDepth, glClearStencil, glViewport, glDepthRange, glFrontFace, glCullFace, glPolygonOffset, glBlendFuncSeparate, glBlendEquationSeparate, glBlendColor, glScissor, glStencilFuncSeparate, glStencilMaskSeparate, glStencilOpSeparate, glDepthFunc, glDepthMask, glColorMask, glSampleCoverage, glFlush, glFinish, glHint.
command is a special synchronization command for remote
rendering. This command tells the renderer that it should swap drawing
buffers. This is especially important when rendering with WebGL where
drawing buffers are implicitly swapped.
('LINK', <program_id>)
Applies to: Program
Link the current program together (shaders, etc). Additionally this should cause shaders to be detached and deleted. See the OpenGL documentation for details on program linking.
- class vispy.gloo.glir.BaseGlirParser#
Base class for GLIR parsers that can be attached to a GLIR queue.
- is_remote()#
Whether the code is executed remotely. i.e. cannot be used.
- parse(commands)#
Parse the GLIR commands. Or sent them away.
- property shader_compatibility#
Whether to convert shading code. Valid values are ‘es2’ and ‘desktop’. If None, the shaders are not modified.
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirBuffer(parser, id_)#
- activate()#
- create()#
- deactivate()#
- delete()#
- set_data(offset, data)#
- set_size(nbytes)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirFragmentShader(parser, id_)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirFrameBuffer(parser, id_)#
- activate()#
- attach(attachment, buffer_id)#
- create()#
- deactivate()#
- delete()#
- set_framebuffer(yes)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirGeometryShader(*args, **kwargs)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirIndexBuffer(parser, id_)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirParser#
A class for interpreting GLIR commands using
We make use of relatively light GLIR objects that are instantiated on CREATE commands. These objects are stored by their id in a dictionary so that commands like ACTIVATE and DATA can easily be executed on the corresponding objects.
- get_object(id_)#
Get the object with the given id or None if it does not exist.
- is_remote()#
Whether the code is executed remotely. i.e. cannot be used.
- parse(commands)#
Parse a list of commands.
- property shader_compatibility#
Type of shader compatibility
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirProgram(parser, id_)#
- ATYPEINFO = {'bool': (1, GL_BOOL, <class 'numpy.int32'>), 'float': (1, GL_FLOAT, <class 'numpy.float32'>), 'int': (1, GL_INT, <class 'numpy.int32'>), 'ivec2': (2, GL_INT, <class 'numpy.int32'>), 'ivec3': (3, GL_INT, <class 'numpy.int32'>), 'ivec4': (4, GL_INT, <class 'numpy.int32'>), 'vec2': (2, GL_FLOAT, <class 'numpy.float32'>), 'vec3': (3, GL_FLOAT, <class 'numpy.float32'>), 'vec4': (4, GL_FLOAT, <class 'numpy.float32'>)}#
- ATYPEMAP = {'float': 'glVertexAttrib1f', 'vec2': 'glVertexAttrib2f', 'vec3': 'glVertexAttrib3f', 'vec4': 'glVertexAttrib4f'}#
- UTYPEMAP = {'bool': 'glUniform1iv', 'bvec2': 'glUniform2iv', 'bvec3': 'glUniform3iv', 'bvec4': 'glUniform4iv', 'float': 'glUniform1fv', 'int': 'glUniform1iv', 'ivec2': 'glUniform2iv', 'ivec3': 'glUniform3iv', 'ivec4': 'glUniform4iv', 'mat2': 'glUniformMatrix2fv', 'mat3': 'glUniformMatrix3fv', 'mat4': 'glUniformMatrix4fv', 'sampler1D': 'glUniform1i', 'sampler2D': 'glUniform1i', 'sampler3D': 'glUniform1i', 'vec2': 'glUniform2fv', 'vec3': 'glUniform3fv', 'vec4': 'glUniform4fv'}#
- activate()#
Avoid overhead in calling glUseProgram with same arg. Warning: this will break if glUseProgram is used somewhere else. Per context we keep track of one current program.
- attach(id_)#
Attach a shader to this program.
- create()#
- deactivate()#
Avoid overhead in calling glUseProgram with same arg. Warning: this will break if glUseProgram is used somewhere else. Per context we keep track of one current program.
- delete()#
- draw(mode, selection, instances=1)#
Draw program in given mode, with given selection (IndexBuffer or first, count).
- link_program()#
Link the complete program and check.
All shaders are detached and deleted if the program was successfully linked.
- set_attribute(name, type_, value, divisor=None)#
Set an attribute value. Value is assumed to have been checked.
- set_shaders(vert, frag)#
This function takes care of setting the shading code and compiling+linking it into a working program object that is ready to use.
- set_texture(name, value)#
Set a texture sampler. Value is the id of the texture to link.
- set_uniform(name, type_, value)#
Set a uniform value. Value is assumed to have been checked.
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirQueue#
Representation of a queue of GLIR commands
One instance of this class is attached to each context object, and to each gloo object. Internally, commands are stored in a shared queue object that may be swapped out and merged with other queues when
is called.Upon drawing (i.e. Program.draw()) and framebuffer switching, the commands in the queue are pushed to a parser, which is stored at context.shared. The parser can interpret the commands in Python, send them to a browser, etc.
- associate(queue)#
Merge this queue with another.
Both queues will use a shared command list and either one can be used to fill or flush the shared queue.
- clear()#
Pop the whole queue (and associated queues) and return a list of commands.
- command(*args)#
Send a command. See the command spec at: vispy/vispy
- flush(parser)#
Flush all current commands to the GLIR interpreter.
- set_verbose(verbose)#
Set verbose or not. If True, the GLIR commands are printed right before they get parsed. If a string is given, use it as a filter.
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirRenderBuffer(parser, id_)#
- activate()#
- create()#
- deactivate()#
- delete()#
- set_size(shape, format)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirShader(parser, id_)#
- create()#
- delete()#
- set_data(offset, code)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirTexture(parser, id_)#
- activate()#
- create()#
- deactivate()#
- delete()#
- set_interpolation(min, mag)#
- set_wrapping(wrapping)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirTexture1D(parser, id_)#
- set_data(offset, data)#
- set_size(shape, format, internalformat)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirTexture2D(parser, id_)#
- set_data(offset, data)#
- set_size(shape, format, internalformat)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirTexture3D(parser, id_)#
- set_data(offset, data)#
- set_size(shape, format, internalformat)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirTextureCube(parser, id_)#
- set_data(offset, data)#
- set_size(shape, format, internalformat)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirVertexBuffer(parser, id_)#
- class vispy.gloo.glir.GlirVertexShader(parser, id_)#
- vispy.gloo.glir.as_enum(enum)#
Turn a possibly string enum into an integer enum.
- vispy.gloo.glir.as_es2_command(command)#
Modify a desktop command so it works on es2.
- vispy.gloo.glir.convert_shader(backend_type, shader)#
Modify shader code to be compatible with backend_type backend.
- vispy.gloo.glir.glTexImage1D(target, level, internalformat, format, type, pixels)#
- vispy.gloo.glir.glTexImage3D(target, level, internalformat, format, type, pixels)#
- vispy.gloo.glir.glTexSubImage1D(target, level, xoffset, format, type, pixels)#
- vispy.gloo.glir.glTexSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, format, type, pixels)#
- vispy.gloo.glir.glir_logger(parser_cls, file_or_filename)#